Saturday, September 18, 2010


Hello! I have attempted to blog in the past(complete failure). I have decided that it failed because I really didn't have the slightest clue what to write about, I didn't have any guidelines, nothing relevant or really anything worth saying. But then the other day I was speaking to some friends about my food-escapades and I realized that I FLIPPIN LOVE FOOD! hahaha, I love it. I don't just love to eat it like some, or cook it really, but rather I love the wide variance found within the culinary world. I especially love international cuisine. I love trying things that I have never even heard of. I love being told what I ate after I have eaten it! There is something thrilling about exotic food. Not in the fear factor kind of way, but I get a huge kick out of eating something and experiencing a taste or texture that has NEVER passed over my mouth ever before. Its something completely unique and genuine. SO, that is this blog. It will be about the weird, the unusual and fun foods that you can get here in Utah, and also maybe some throwback stuff about my greatest food moments of the past. I will occasionally review a new or recently popular eating place, and of course I will recommend restaurants that are in your backyard that you have probably never heard of!
ps. I'm in school right now and im really poor, SO, the restaurant reviews might be few and far between for at least a while! But thats the great thing about food! You don't have to be rich to enjoy it! Even really good food!
So lets go, we are officially FOOD BOUND!!!

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